Author: Ollan Herr

The 6 reasons for installing waterless urinals in new houses in Ireland

We need to begin the prevention of pharmaceutical and phosphorus pollution in rivers, and to recycle phosphorus from urine. Ireland is still struggling to adequately prevent nutrient and pharmaceutical pollution in our rivers and lakes. The EPA publication –Water Quality in 2023, An Indicators Report:  shows that improvements in the quality of our surface waters are not happening fast enough....

World Water Day 2024 – Our ground water and surface waters are being exposed to the wasteful flush and forget culture of modern man 

From media reports it appears that there are worrying and often growing levels of pharmaceutical pollution being measured in our surface waters. Discharges from farms, municipal sewage treatment plants and septic tanks are the source of these chemicals. Anti biotics and hormone medicines that are consumed and excreted by humans and farm animals are causing un-natural damage to the health...

World Water Day 2023: How Recycling Phosphorus Can Help Feed the World

As the world’s population continues to grow, mankind needs to produce more food.There is therefore an ever-increasing demand for synthetic and mineral fertilizers suchas phosphorus. Phosphorus however is one of the nutrients in wastewater that mankindis wasting into our surface waters. We extract the mineral phosphorus from mines. The production of phosphorus fertilizerrequires the use of sulfuric acid. It is...

United Nations Sustainability Goal 6 Water A Challenge for New House Building

United Nations Sustainability Goal 6 Water A Challenge for New House Building To end the wasting and dumping of phosphates, nitrates and potash from septic tanks into the ground  To protect the water quality in nearby rivers from these nutrient pollutants  To play a part in returning streams and rivers to their former pristine unpolluted condition and  To increase recycling and the...

Grey water recycling is the only option for domestic houses during a prolonged drought

Avoid hose bans and protect your home from water shortages by treating and recycling your own Grey Water.  The summer of 2018 will be remembered for the intense heat and the extended long dry period. Indeed likewise most of North America and Europe has been suffering from the same extended heat wave and drought. . The report from Paul Melia 11 th July...